Below is the information regarding the block on hold for the 20th Annual Northstars Cup weekend June 7-8, 2025 (Only 1 night stay required)
Guests may call the hotel to make the reservation directly Sales line is : Frankie Yaple
Regional Sales Director
Suite Hospitality Management
P. (315) 327-5667
Front Desk: 1-315-7015000
Or guests can use the link below to make their reservation: Please note, this link takes you direct to our HIE main website. Once you enter the dates of stay, your rooms and rate become availible. Guests can also call direct at 315.701.5000 and mention the group name "Northstars Cup"
Please be sure if you are using the link that you are inputting the date(s) correctly.
Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out. Please note: Reservation link cut off date is 5/14/25
Thank you for your time and look forward to seeing you this June!
Frankie Yaple
Regional Sales Director
Suite Hospitality Management
P. (315) 327-5667